Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful for Family

Hey y'all. This thanksgiving I'm thankful for a house full of boys and a loving wife. I don't know how we've made it this far in life, but I couldn't have done it without the gang. I don't know how many years have passed nor how much hair I've lost, but I'm still here doing the thing I love: being a father, husband, orthodontist, and under-rated city league indoor soccer player. My wife doesn't understand the soccer part but she let's me play anyways :)

Seriously I couldn't balance 3 practices, 4 boys, the Gringo Soccer Club, and a plethora of debt and headaches without a rock at home. Thanks honey!

Happy Thanksgiving interwebs!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Amusing Addiction

I don't necessarily have an amusing story to tell, but my addiction to this "thing" is kind of amusing. I quit diet coke this week and while I suffer from incessant headaches I find it amusing how addicted I, in fact, was to it. When I started drinking, I was what you would call a 'social drinker.' I didn't really drink the stuff unless I was at a restaurant or at a party.

Then dental school hit. I was bombarded with 8-10 hrs of class and tons of after hours lab work. I found myself reaching for an occasion drink to keep me going. But, it wasn't till Ortho school that I really started abusing the stuff. Now in my head I thought, a carbonated beverage in the morning is completely accepted as normal behavior. But I knew better. The scoffing behind my back that I chose to ignore, the look of amazement at the size of my morning beverage (which at the time was a paltry 32 oz), yet I still pretended not to notice. Me and my carpool buddy started down a road I wouldn't recover from for nearly 5 years. We'd stop one the way to school every single day.... Even if we were late! Addict much?

When we moved to our current location, someone I go to church with introduced me to the 100 ounce jug. In my mind I thought this guy has a real problem and his wife needs to do something about it (until I realized that they were both partaking and abusing it). I didn't go overboard immediately, but I did buy myself a nice 32 oz refillable cup. Sooner than later I found myself refilling it a couple times a day. I quickly upgraded to a 44 oz then a 64 oz model just to keep it economical - cause if the refill price is the same, more is better. 64 ounces is waaaaay different than a 100 oz model, yet as I would polish off a 64 oz I would find myself thinking fondly of a larger cup that would fill the thirstyness inside. When no one was looking on a drive from Las Vegas, there standing in the window was my cup. I could hear it beckoning me to come closer and partake of is sweet never ending goodness. I bought it.

I played it off like it was a novelty that I bought for kicks, but deep inside I wanted to go swimming in it and drink till I was a bloated floating raft in a sea of liquid gold. Unfortunately, (or in my case fortunately) holding a 100 oz drink in public is not socially acceptable no matter how cool you pose with it. I felt like people wanted to take a picture with the 'soda freak' as they walked past me in the checkout line. I just smiled with one of those 'haha you get it it, it's huge!!!!' type looks and played it off like I was in on a joke that they totally didn't get, but I knew better.

I was a laughing stock. I quickly downgraded back to the 64 model and kept it going strong for a couple more years. I would fill it in the morning and drink it till 3pm or so till it 'turned' then I would drink a can for dinner and another during vegetation mode (after the kids went down). The mornings I didn't go to work were the worst. I'd find something to go do so I could pick one up at the local fountain. Sunday's were really the worst!!!! I couldn't justify going to the store (we don't believe going to the store on Sundays). Cans would tide me over till Monday rolled around and I was back to the routine.

So, it's been 5 days and I've only had a couple small sodas to stem the tide of raging headaches. I feel way better today and I think it will continue to improve though the week. Playing soccer tonight I felt much better and less tired. I think I was beginning to get strung out on the stuff and slowly became a chain drinker.

My staff have no sympathy for me while my wife applauds the effort. We'll see how long this lasts. I'm hoping to stay away from caffeine on a daily basis and only drink it if I'm driving long distances - so it still has some effectiveness. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Practice #3

Well I decided to buy another practice this week. I know you are probably thinking: why would an orthodontist want to work more? Truth be told I hate being in debt and I love teeth. I figured another practice would help me get ahead in life doing the thing I love. Logistically, it has given me headaches and sleepless nights, but we will work it out like we always do. Apricot town, here we come.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time Flying

My second son, Kai, got braces and glasses on the same day - poor kid. He is a trooper and thinks it is cool to be nerdy - nerd-fruit didn't fall far from the nerd-tree. And my third son, Teo, is a walking talking mini human who runs around the house calling his brothers "meanie jerks." It is hard to imagine a time when me and my wife, Michiko, were hanging out together alone... We only remember babies popping out and multiplying. But we look back and remember the hard times with a smile. We wouldn't have it any other way. The boys are a constant reminder of selflessness. We happily serve our little masters. Here's to another busy spring and summer. Hopefully the warmth will bring extra energy. The future looks busy.