Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Boys Weekend!

It was just me and the 3 (of 4) amigos. While most of our time was spent eating junk, watching movies, and chillin in our PJ's, I'm happy to report we only sustained minor injuries. My oldest was pretty good at watching the other 2 - we only sustained 2 major potty training accidents while I attempted a nap Sunday afternoon. He did his best :) We also managed to go to breakfast and a movie on Labor Day - a pullup was definietly part of the wardrobe. My little guy was sucking down sprite like it was his last meal and still managed to stay dry the whole time! Moral victory while Mom is away. All in all we had a great time but welcomed the sight of Mom and Kai so the balance could be restored. Thanks for the memories boys, be nice to Mom next week while I'm gone :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

50 miles to....

Me and some friends (and boy scouts) went on an epic journey into the wild wearing nothing but massive backpacks full of every convenience we could manage to carry - mine was 60 lbs. Still, we manage to rough it for the most part and have a great time doing it. Nothing says city slicker like a dude dressed out in all new gear from all the top manufacturers with nearly a scratch on them - that's ME! Anyways, we hiked up and up and up, summit-ed Red Mountain (12000 ft elevation) and camped at some beautiful snow melt lakes. All in all, besides the physical challenge, it was a great trip - more mentally challenging than I imagined. While huffing and puffing up the mountain, you have a lot of things to think about - none of which revolve around the freeze dried meal in a bag chillin in the bottom of my pack. While trying not to think about milk shakes and french fries, I think I resolved to be a better husband, father and orthodontist. Sounds simple enough - work harder in all the aspects of my life that matters. (Note: notice I did not say work on my six pack.) So, how do I do such a thing? Good question. I'm not sure, but I'm at least resolved to work hard, and if there is anything that I'm good at, it's working hard. I can be stubborn, selfish, and hard headed sometimes, but my wife does an excellent job of training me - unfortunately my breed is thick headed. It will happen, it just may take the rest of my life, which I'm OK with - I just have to believe that my perfect physique will happen as I work hard on being a Dad. Here goes everything.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Me and my significant other have been discussing amiably what is wrong with us. We tend to get bogged down in the everyday and never truly appreciate the important things in our lives. We have a lot going for us, but we seldom slow down to enjoy it. Recent tragedy has struck within our circle and it has us thinking about what we are doing, like right now, like this second. We came to the conclusion we are existing but not living. Parallel lives without intertwining, without meaning.
Living life to the fullest - the mother of all cliches. Live, laugh, love, barf. See I'm doing it again. Cynical to death, unable to appreciate the simple truths because they are sticking to someone's wall in vinyl lettering. How did I become so darned cynical and how do I stop? My Mom always told me 'where there's a will there's a way.' I hope I find my way before I miss out on another opportunity to live, laugh, or love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gosh Dang You Half Japanese Girls

Well my wife and two oldest are off in Japan - Okinawa to be exact. They're visiting friends and exploring the foreign universe that is tropical Japan. My wife is half Japanese and has been dying to visit her best friend who married a Navy Oral Surgeon - now stationed in Okinawa. I'm sad I'm not with them. Buying stuff, playing sports and even going to Laker games hasn't filled the void. Another reason I'm glad they are part of my life and routine. It has made me rethink the concept of work and how much of this I'm supposed to do till I go crazy and explode. A two week vacation is stuff of legend for orthodontists (or most professionals/small business owners). "Who will manage the shop?" comes to mind. I'm really happy that work has been great and we can afford to do these trips, but I'm hoping I'm on the next one. Miss you guys. Love, Dad